Cincinnati Attorney Blog

Litigation and the Cincinnati Personal Injury Lawyer

Cincinnati Personal Injury Lawyer

Countless complaints are filed in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court stemming from injuries sustained in a car accident. These complaints generally allege "negligence" as the primary cause of action. That is, someone breached his or her duty to drive safely and caused harm to another person or persons. Once a complaint is filed, the "litigation" process begins.

Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer: Helping Injured Persons With a Personal Touch

hamilton car accident lawyer

Being involved in a car wreck can not only cause pain and misery, it can also result in loss of a job, loss of time with loved ones, costly medical bills and significant debt.

Consult with a Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney for Free

Cincinnati Workers Comp Lawyer: Protecting Yourself After a Work Accident

cincinnati oh, attorney, workers comp, injury, car

Suffering a work injury can be frightening, painful and worrisome. Injured employees often have a number of common questions: What do I do now? Go to the hospital? Tell my boss? Fill out an accident report? Who will pay my medical bills? What do I do if I have to miss work?

First Thing's First: Get Medical Attention 

Choosing a Cincinnati Injury Lawyer

hamilton, lawyer, workers comp, injury

Generally speaking it is always a good idea to consult with a Cincinnati lawyer when injured through the fault of another and/or on the job. Whether as injury was the result of a car crash or a lifting injury, rights and obligations exist, of which many people are unaware. An experienced BWC or personal injury lawyer can help you understand your claim, and map out a successful strategy. 

Lawyer for Work Comp Injury in Cincinnati Ohio

cincinnati workers' comp lawyer injury

There are many type of injuries people suffer on the job around Cincinnati.

Cincinnati Car Insurance Lawyer: Issues in Coverage

cincinnati, lawyer, accident insurance coverage issues

When a person is injured in a car wreck or auto accident any number of insurance issues may arise. Will health insurance cover some or all of the bills? Will the injured person's own car insurance policy (e.g., medical payments or "medpay", uninsured or underinsured driver coverage) make payments? How high are the liability limits of the negligent driver?

Hefty Medical Bills

Free Consultation with Cincinnati Injury Lawyer

hamilton attorneys injury claims

A free consultation with one of the highly qualified lawyers at McKenzie & Snyder LLP has several distinct benefits for those injured in an automobile crash, work injury, or other accident in the greater Cincinnati area.

Free Consultation Means Exactly That: There is No Charge for Consulting with Our Attorneys

Cincinnati Workers Comp Claim: Documenting Your Injury

filing workers comp claim

Many clients tell us that they suffered an injury on the job but did not tell anyone about it. For example, a client may have lifted a heavy box in a warehouse with no one around and pulled his or her low back and/or neck. Workers may choose not to report an injury for any number of reasons (e.g., fear of losing one’s job; thinking the injury would just “go away”, etc.).

Bringing a Cincinnati BWC Claim

Cincinnati Lawyer: Negligence Claims and Car Accidents

negligence claim car accident

Cincinnati Car Crash Cases: What are they all about?

Cincinnati BWC Accident Lawyer

colerain, cincinnati, attorney, injury

Hiring a Cincinnati attorney for your BWC claim can help you navigate many of the frustrations injured workers face. Common issues include not getting medical bills paid and not getting paid for recovery time.

Cincinnati BWC Attorney

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